Guest Blogger: Cate

Before Grinkie, I never thought of photoshoots as particularly joyous experiences; now that I’ve done a Grinkie photoshoot, I have to say I think everyone should go in for one at least once! In September 2020, I had the undeniable pleasure of sitting for an afternoon of boudoir photos, and I enjoyed myself so much that I signed my daughter up for a contemporary photoshoot as a present for her thirteenth birthday this month! During my session, Christi took stunning photo after stunning photo, and on top of that, she created an atmosphere that made me feel empowered and engaged from beginning to end. When we were done, I barely noticed that three and a half hours passed by! Lela worked some magic on me with makeup and hair beforehand (I never thought I could look so good!), and she added an energy to the experience that made the day all the more memorable.

As I’m writing this, my daughter’s photoshoot is just a day away, and I’m so excited for her. She’s a beautiful girl inside and out, and I know that’s going to shine through in her photos. My ex-wife and I have been co-parenting from separate homes for almost five years now, and honestly, it’s been a challenging time, financially and emotionally. We’ve had to make some hard decisions along the way, but we’ve made every effort to keep them involved in things they love (for example, dance and ice skating for our daughter, and computer coding and tae kwon do for our son). Throughout this process, we’ve maintained regular communication with each other, and we’ve legitimately kept working as a team when it comes to parenting. We know our daughter will have an amazing time during her photoshoot, and we’re looking forward to seeing the results!


Guest Blogger: Lilias

I haven’t felt beautiful in a while. How long? I don’t know and engaging in self-flagellation at this moment seems pointless. My skin has felt foreign to me and my body, it doesn’t feel like mine. I thought maybe it was my weight, I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been. Then I realized that the moments when I’ve been the skinniest, half-starved, and desperate for attention, were the moments I’ve hated myself the most. 


Over the past year, I’ve embarked on a journey of self-love and it’s led me to the places I never thought I would travel. Life has taught me that I can’t love another person more than I love myself. I have learned to love myself even in moments, like this past year, when my world has come crashing down. Sure, I’m not as skinny as I want to be. My body is still beautiful though. It achieves things every day that I never have to think about. Every time I ask it to do something that my mind has deemed impossible, my body has said yes. I never knew how strong I was until I started walking through life on my own.


I have been single for the better part of three and a half years. I joke about marrying myself sometimes. I used to wonder what was wrong with me. All my friends have partners. I’d peek around corners thinking my other half would pop out and surprise me. Then I realized, I’m not half a person because I’m single. I’m whole on my own. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll be lucky enough to find someone else who is whole on their own too. We can be two wholes together, whatever that means. I have walked through so many challenges in my life, and while I may not have come out completely unscathed, I’ve come out stronger. Being single has given me the opportunity to know myself better than I ever thought I would. I do my best to honor who I am. Even though I’m a little weird sometimes (In the best way). I’ve seen lots of paths in the woods and I didn’t like any of them. So, I created my own. I have never been particularly good at following anyone else’s path. Being single has taught me that my happiness is not contingent on another person. I have learned that I can be perfectly happy on my own.


Life is strange, hard, and unexplainably beautiful. The moments when I have found myself at the bottom of a pit have been opportunities to climb. Just because my body isn’t perfect, doesn’t deny its beauty. I have earned every scar and stretch mark. They tell stories of moments when I’ve overcome adversity. I have learned to laugh through the tears and dance in the rain. Sometimes, when we least expect it, magic happens. Oh, and if I ever do marry myself, you’re all invited to the wedding.

Guest Blogger Janene Celebrates her 40th Birthday with Grinkie

It’s safe to say that last year, 2020, was nothing to mess around with. In the midst of my first year teaching, there was a Global Pandemic. Schools were closed, teachers worked from anywhere there was an internet connection and students were left with mom’s and dad’s realizing just how important those teachers are. Not only was my work life completely flipped upside down, the governor invoked a stay-at-home order. All visits with my brother, who has cerebral palsy and lives in a group home, were suddenly postponed “until further notice”. These visits happened monthly, sometimes weekly, since he had moved out. All the while I was silently, or not so silently, freaking out that I was going to turn the big “4-0” in December.

December 29th, to be exact. I was getting so excited for the plans that I had started. I was going to have a huge 1940’s style, 40th birthday. I had been Pinteresting about this party for least 2 years. I had also dreamed of having a real life adult smash cake. With this pandemic business happening around the world, I wouldn’t be able to have this AMAZING birthday celebration. I wanted a live band that played 40’s music, dancing, 40’s dress, food, etc. It was going to be amazing!


So here it is, December 2020; the holidays were officially upon us. Thanksgiving was not, and I repeat, NOT, the same. My 92-year-old gramma had just passed away from Covid. I hadn’t seen my brother in 9 months and I was just in a kind of FUNK. I wanted to do something extra meaningful to celebrate this ridiculous birthday, and I happened to be scrolling around on the book of Face. A friend had posted asking for ideas for something to get her husband for Christmas and someone had mentioned a Pin-Up/Boudoir photoshoot with Grinkie Photography. I checked out Christie’s website and the instant I saw the pinup photos, I knew what I was going to do. A 1940’s pinup style photoshoot was exactly what I was looking for. I emailed Christie within the week and was booked for December 17th. I was pampered by the amazing Lela, who did my hair and makeup. I tried on a ridiculous number of amazing outfits and fell in love with the ones we chose together. I could not have asked for a more special birthday present for myself. It was everything I dreamed of for my smash cake and I am beyond excited to have the mementos that come with one of these photoshoots.

Thank you Lela for taking the time out of your busy schedule to make me look fabulous and PINUP ready. And thank you Christie for providing such an exciting and unique experience for me. I cannot wait to do it again. You have made my 40’s dreams come true!


Q&A with Bailey

Is there anything I could have done to make you more comfortable or anything that would add to your experience with Grinkie Photography?

Oh my gosh, I can’t think of one thing since the whole process was so smooth and Uber fun! I felt so comfortable in a situation that I am going to be completely honest, I was really nervous to do because I didn’t know what to expect. To expose myself like that, you need to have loads of confidence in who you are doing it with, and you guys do just that.


What should people coming into a shoot like this know? (your message to future Grinkie Girls)

If you feel like you are not gorgeous, skinny, voluptuous, or anything of that nature enough, you are wrong! So so sooooo wrong, don’t let any of those deter you from doing this opportunity, because they make you feel like a 100 bucks, because you are!

What was your favorite part?

My favorite part was getting to know you guys because that really helped break the ice to make the whole rest of the experience just so perfect. Having you guys fuss over the details to make me look perfect made it so amazing because the end products of almost every photo looked like I knew what I was doing! I loved getting to be the model, even though I had no idea what I was doing.

What are the three most important things in your life

Having healthy relationships, taking the time to take care of myself, and soaking up life’s beautiful moments


What lights you up?

I love being able to cherish moments with my family and friends, and also being around my four-legged animals.

What is something people don't know about you?

I have a major fear of heights, but I also love roller coasters

What motivated you to come in for a session?

I wanted to do something nice for fiancé but it turned into something nice for myself!


Guest Blogger: Virginia Pt 1

A Dream Come True: Even in 2020

Flashback to December 2019. I quit my job! The job I thought I would retire at. The job I had only returned to just less than two years prior. I had a solid plan of course. I'm a planner. It's what I do. But just gets too "lifey" sometimes. And let me tell you...mental health is no friggin' joke, man. Mine had broken. It was time to finally take care of...gulp...Me.

My new plan unfolded before me. It came to me in bits and pieces as I was treading these new and difficult mental "waters" so to speak. It was crystal clear I had long lost issues I had to deal with to move on and be really okay again. So, I cashed out my little 401k balance I'd saved and set it aside for the long overdue therapy costs I now knew I so desperately needed. I would stop and think and listen to myself for a while. I was ready. I would get through the rest of the kids' school year going to therapy, spend a nice Summer at home with the kiddos and maybe, just maybe come September I would be in a healthy mental place and get to start really digging in and building the self-employment career I'd always dreamed of and previously tried for a time. I could do this! It would probably be a long and difficult journey but I thought to myself, Hey, I can finally get this going right. I can fix this and come out a stronger woman in the long run.

I called many counselors trying to find the right fit, worried I'd have to tell my story to too many strangers before I found "the one." Luckily, I found her pretty quickly and come early February 2020 I had my first real session. What a relief to start getting it all off of my chest!


And then what happens? Stupid COVID-19 goes down and the world goes all coo-koo bananas. Really?! Such is life, am I right? Anywho, come to find out virtual therapy is not "my thing." The things I needed to talk about were just too scary...and personal...and buried deep inside. I had just barely plucked up the courage to finally start dealing, only three sessions into this new and terrifying journey of mine. I couldn't bring myself to do it over the phone or through a computer screen. And...I mean, come the heck was I gonna get that kind of "me time" in a full house with three little ones to look after, a work-from-home-hubby, a dog, two cats and everything else in between? I had to let it go for a while and hope this pandemic passed within a reasonable amount of time. Ha ha ha so funny I forgot to laugh. Hindsight is truly 20/20 ;-)

Since late February my family has been on a pretty strict quarantine. We were following the news and saw something not so great was headed our way. My husband and I thought long and hard about it and decided since I was home anyways we could take the chance and pull the kids out of school after February 28th. It was only two more weeks of school until spring break. We could take an extended "stay-cation" and that would give us a three week buffer to see if we truly got hit with a pandemic and to see how the powers that be would handle it. And oh boy, "handle it" they didn't. So there I was. No more routine. No more therapy. No more make-up. No more alarm clocks. No more getting dressed up for work or a night with friends or a rare date with the hubs. Diving deep into overdue home projects, deep cleaning housework, painting rooms, yard work and more. Our new life. Sigh.


And then one day I'm scrolling through Facebook for only the bazillionth time that week and I saw an opportunity. Oh my gosh! My favorite local photographer was having a little contest! Some lucky ladies were gonna win a fun little photoshoot with a killer new floral headpiece she had coming. I had dreamed of a pin-up shoot with Chrisit for years but it was just never in the cards for me. But this...this could be cool. Send an email to enter? I could do that. So I did. And I am so glad I did! Just what the doctor ordered! (Just kidding, my doctor didn't really order that...but they totally should!!! LOL What an incredible pick-me-up during a crazy time in my life! This should be a thing.)

It felt A-mazing! To get out of my jammies and feel like a woman again. To feel something special. To feel happy and understood after being down for so long. To just get out of the dang house and feel like one of the gals. I really missed that. I will treasure this experience forever. I will definitely be back for more shoots in the future. And now that my hubs has had a little peek...he's wondering when I'll try a boudoir shoot! HA! Don't worry, babe. Will do. Will. Do.

Christi & Lela...thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart. You two do incredible work and I feel truly blessed to have had a day with you amazing ladies. Thank you for making me feel like me again. Hugs.


Q&A with Carolyn

Is there anything I could have done to make you more comfortable or anything that would add to your experience?

No, you were great. It was super laid back and easy to do, which kind of surprised me as I thought I'd be even more self-conscious.

What should people coming into a shoot like this know? (your message to future Grinkie Girls)

Don't wait until you've lost that extra 15lbs - just go and do it!


What was your favorite part?

Seeing the results. I was shocked at how amazing the images looked at, and those were the raw images.

What are the three most important things in your life?

Three important things in my life are my wonderful son, daughter and husband.


What lights you up?

I absolutely love women's football. I love talking about it, playing it and watching it. 

What is something people don't know about you?

I own the MN Pride Women's Football Team, based out of the Twin Cities. We play teams from all over the country. Full pads, full tackle. It's a blast.

What motivated you to come in for a session?

I have thought about it for a long time but always wanted to lose 15lbs first. With the pandemic that never quite happened so I figured I should just go for it.


Guest Blogger: Sierra

Wow! Where do I even start?!

I was first introduced to Christi by a mutual friend, who had mentioned that she was partaking in a super cool vintage car/pin-up photoshoot during the Mississippi Mayhem car show in September 2018. At the time, the only professional photos I had taken were my high school senior photos 9 years prior. I thought to myself, “so what if you burn a PTO day and spend too much money, think of the fun you’ll have!” Luckily, I was right. It was so incredibly fun! I immediately felt comfortable with Christi behind the lens, getting so many great shots, several of which she managed to capture my sass and attitude.


Fast forward a year to the fall of 2019. My best friend had asked me to be her Maid of Honor and I was three months into a weight loss journey. I decided that I would treat myself to a boudoir shoot to capture the efforts of taking back my health (what would eventually be a loss of 67 pounds in 13 months!). I immediately chose Christi, and we scheduled the shoot half a year in advance. October of 2020, in the middle of the wildest year I’ve seen in my lifetime, we spent the afternoon together, capturing more incredible photos that truly made me feel the most beautiful, sexiest, and most confident I ever have in my life. There were masks and face shields all around, and several distancing measures involved, but I couldn’t tell if it had even impeded Christi and Lela’s processes, things moved so smoothly.


We had so much fun during the boudoir session, we nearly immediately planned the next shoot. We kicked off the new year right with my third shoot… mermaids! I was able to convince a friend to join me for the adventure and we had the most fun-filled day. At the time of writing this, it’s been a week and we are still gushing over the teaser photos and videos that she’s posted!

Christi manages the capture the best expressions from her clients, guaranteeing every one of us looks and feels our best. Lela always makes sure that a person’s outer beauty flawlessly matches their personality. These two women are some of the most inspiring, empowering, and downright awesome women I’ve been lucky to know. I highly anticipate my fourth shoot later this year, where we will celebrate the final year of my twenties and doll me up as a flapper girl!


Guest Blogger: Alicia Pt 2


Here I am. A single mom of 9. Married for 17 years- then, my life turned completely upside down a little over a year ago. Everything that I thought to be true was a lie. A horrible, life-altering lie. I could curl up in a corner and cry. I could throw my arms up and say fu*k it, I’m done. No one would blame me. But instead, I’m busting my butt, being strong for my kids. Being a good example. Showing them that mom can do this. Mom IS doing this. It’s hard. There are days when I feel like a failure. Let’s add body insecurity on top of that. Let’s add that I’ve never felt comfortable in my own skin. This isn’t doing my kids justice. This isn’t showing them a strong, independent, confident woman. I’m taking small steps in embracing my ”mom Bod of 9” I’m learning to love the fact that I have itty bitty titties- and IT’S OKAY. These itty bitty titties have nursed 9, NINE beautiful children. I’m embracing my body. This body has grown and birthed 9 children- the last two were twin boys in which my body carried those babes to 39 weeks 1 day and birthed them at home in the water. My body is skinny. It’s not curvy. It leaves a lot to be desired- if you’re going by these ridiculous standards that society pushes on us. This photoshoot is me taking a hot minute for myself, to help see myself in a different, more comfortable, confident light. To embrace my body and to empower my children and other mama’s who may need a breath of encouragement. I am unbreakable.


Guest Blogger: Virginia Pt 2

What an incredibly fulfilling experience! Why the heck did I wait so long to do this?

Those are my first two take-aways after having the funnest photo shoot with Grinkie Girls. I'd been drooling over Christi's works for years and knowing I would be having Lela do my hair and make-up was like a dream. I was admittedly a little bit nervous heading over that morning but I'd seen their works through social media so I knew it would all turn out okay. (The word Okay being a total understatement here BTW. More like fan-friggin'-tastic!) They are such a great team!


Walking in the door I could immediately feel the nerves fall away. Their environment is so welcoming and comfortable. No need for inhibitions with these two ladies. It's like heading over to your gal pal's house and chilling for a few hours while you get to play dress up and chat the day away.

And then, when it's all over...You get pictures! Jaw-dropping, holy-moly, works-of-art pictures!

As I am working on growing my own personal business (#GinnyBites) I knew I needed new photos that really felt like ME. Photos I could be proud of and that would work for a multitude of purposes. Christi and Lela helped me capture that so well. I am currently a home baker (MDA Registered Cottage Foods Producer in MN) and hope to grow my business within the coming years to a food truck or small restaurant premises. Food is my favorite! I had my own personal chef business for a few years, currently run a food related non-profit I founded with my besties called Food With Love, Inc. and dabble in food sport when I can. As a mom of five too...well, I'm pretty much cooking all the time.


In addition to cooking all the things I also love creating art, singing in my rock cover band (when the world isn't broken), hosting or producing events and just creating goodness in general. "Love, Create, Laugh, Eat, Drink, Give" I needed pictures that truly showed my personality and Grinkie Girls delivered on that wish. And I have also discovered one more take-away from all of this...Pin-Up photo shoots are like a great tattoo...I'm already fiending for the next one!


Guest Blogger: Briana

I had seen some of the Grinkie Girl photos on the walls during acting classes I was taking a few years back since Christi's old studio shared the space. I loved the style of the photos and knew I wanted to also be a Grinkie Girl, so I looked into it and booked a shoot. I was so nervous when I first arrived since I am not a model, but Christi made me feel really comfortable in front of the camera. For inexperienced models like me, Christi really directs the shoot and helps you find the poses that will flatter you the best. If something isn't working, she doesn't force it. She photographs your face where it always looks beautiful, and she finds those "in-between" moments, between smiling and relaxing, so nothing looks overly posed or unnatural. I loved my first shoot and knew I would be back.


A couple of years later I saw that she was doing some photos in a house that was completely decorated in a classic retro style and I decided that would be my next one. I did more full-body shots in this shoot, which was a challenge for me since modeling is not easy, but her coaching got me where I needed to be and one photo, in particular, is to this day my favorite shot of myself. During the pandemic, we were all feeling a bit down, and I saw that Christi was doing Mermaid photoshoots! I have always wanted to wear a tail and I love how Christi photographs me so I knew I had to book one. This was my favorite shoot. I felt beautiful and confident and I absolutely love every single picture we took. It was so hard to narrow them down! Also, if you love shoes... My gosh, the shoe collection! The options you have when you work with Christi are unmatched. I know I will be back. If you are looking for a photographer that will bring out your inner beauty and make it shine on camera, look no further.


Guest Blogger: Alicia Pt 1


Body image. Something that’s been an issue since my adolescence. “You’re too big-boned”, “we can get your nose fixed”, “you can’t wear that for your body type”. Then as a married adult, I heard things like: “if you ever get fat, I’ll divorce you,” and when I was considering a breast augmentation he said ”the bigger the better, DD baby”... all of this has fed into whom I’ve become today. I’ve had anything but a healthy relationship with food. Forgetting to eat is something I’ve mastered.


Being pregnant and birthing 9 kids than trying to slim down at a record pace so my spouse would find me attractive is also something I‘ve mastered. Looking at my body now I‘m still trying to be okay with the fact that I have next to no boobs, soft thighs, and the famous baby “pooch,“ no matter how much exercise I do. Then turning around and try to be comfortable with the comments ”you’ve had 9 kids- like actually birthed them?!” “Where, how?” has been my new normal. People look at me like something is missing. What am I supposed to look like I wonder? I’m I supposed to be overweight? Have huge boobs? Saggy skin? Instead, I’m small. Skinny. Boobless. Not curvy. I’m left standing there after their comments wondering what I did wrong. Feeling incomplete because apparently, I‘m not fitting their ideal image of a mom of 9. I’m fighting to be comfortable in my own skin. To appreciate my body, to be okay with who I am. To not feel self-conscious, or insecure. To look in the mirror and think to myself “I am beautiful just the way I am” and to have a good body image, so I can set a good example to my four daughters. So I can show my five sons that moms come in all sizes and shapes and that’s okay. They’re all beautiful. They’re all strong. They’re all deserving to know and to embrace their self-worth. It’s a battle. It’s a battle worth fighting.


Guest Blogger Scott, the Merman

I am a 50-year-old gay man who had never had professional photos taken other than your

standard sitting for family portraits. So when my friend Sierra, who has done boudoir and pin-up

shoots with Christi, suggested that I join her for a mermaid workshop I jumped at the

opportunity. Sierra’s photos are so beautiful and I was excited to see what Christi could do with

me, and I was also curious to see how I would do in a professional photography situation.

I’ll openly admit that I have always thought I was a good-looking man--not gorgeous, not super-

sexy, but good-looking. Cute is the word that usually comes to mind. But I also see things in my

face and body that I wish weren’t there, especially things brought on by age. After seeing

Christi’s work, though, I knew she would make me look good. But honestly, I went into it

expecting to be surprised as well as a little disappointed. We’re all our own worst critics, and

while I expected to see beautiful pictures I also expected to see some of the flaws that I see in

myself every day.


When Sierra and I arrived on Sunday, I was greeted by Lela telling me that she “had plans” for

me. I had joked in the beginning about wanting major drag makeup and lots of glitter. After all, if

I’m going to pose as a sexy merman I’m embracing the moment and going all the way! But I

certainly wasn’t expecting more than some eye makeup (“Make them pop!”) and some glitter in

my beard. Maybe a little sparkly design painted on my cheek or something. But Lela gave me

the full treatment--amazing brows, cat eyes and false eyelashes, and a sparkly blue beard. I

looked and felt AMAZING! Whatever nervousness I had about posing and “making love to the

camera” was gone!

The shoot was great fun. Christi was excellent at directing this newby that had no idea what he

was doing, and I kind of felt like a pro when it was all over! Looking at the pictures afterwards,

though, was the real kicker. Some of them took my breath away. They were STUNNING to see

and realize that I was looking at myself in those pictures. My eyes were popping, and I looked

sexy as hell! I have to say that I’m a little obsessed with myself right now! It really was an

experience I will never forget, and hope to do another shoot with these two very soon.

However, the real benefit of this whole experience came Monday morning when I looked at

myself in the mirror without the makeup, the way I see myself every morning. Instead of seeing

drooping eyelids, bags and crow’s feet, I saw beautiful, flirtatious eyes. Instead of seeing gray

hairs and scruffiness, I saw a magnificent beard full of possibilities for fun, colorful dye jobs.

Instead of seeing some extra holiday weight and a belly, I saw a sexy bear of a man. This

experience showed me in a way I’d never seen myself, but it also opened my eyes to who I

already am. And that was worth every penny.


Guest Blogger: Kelly

My name is Kelly and I live the glamorous accounting life Monday-Friday. I love what I do for work but it's business casual and office wear. As confident as I come across, I've struggled for years with believing that I was pretty. I've been involved in the Pin-up/Vintage lifestyle for the last 3 years. I found that I'm more comfortable when I don't have to speak so I moved from Pin-up contests to fashion shows and photoshoots.


Shooting with Grinkie Photography wasn't my first photoshoot or even my second. I have friends who have shot with her and based on their photos and experiences, I knew that I wanted to shoot with Grinkie Photography too. I planned and booked a visit to a friend in Minneapolis and reached out to Christi at Grinkie Photography to see if she had any openings while I was going to be there. I lucked out and they had an opening for the afternoon that I was arriving!

I woke up early Friday morning and drove from Milwaukee to Minneapolis. I arrived for my shoot without any makeup or hair product as I was going to be having my hair and makeup done at the photoshoot. To me, there is nothing more relaxing than letting someone else play with my hair and make sure my makeup looks good. Upon arrival, I met Christi and Lela and we went through a Covid safety checklist before we started talking about my hair, makeup, and outfits.

After looking at a couple of pictures, Lela started curling and pinning my hair. I have a lot of hair and once she had it pinned she started with my makeup. It took time for my transformation to be complete but my breath was taken away when I got my first look. Lela did an amazing job on both my hair and makeup. Now it was time to take some pictures.


Before she started taking pictures Christi went through tips on posing and explained why these posing tips were important. It's a lot to remember so as she started taking pictures, Christi gave little reminders and made sure that I was in the best positions possible. She showed me a couple of shots directly on her camera and I didn't even recognize myself. I think the best part though, was after she took about 40 pictures she uploaded them onto her laptop and we got to go through and pick out the pictures she thought were the best as well as my favorites. We whittled down the list until it fit into the package that I had purchased.

Both Christi and Lela made me feel so welcome and comfortable while I was there. I still struggle with my looks and I felt beautiful with my hair and makeup done to compliment the dresses I had chosen to shoot in. I can't wait to see what the edited photos look like and I am excited that I will have a photo album of the actual pictures that we chose. I look forward to my next shoot with Grinkie Photography because there will definitely be one.


Guest Blogger: Shanon

I have come into Grinkie twice now and each time was truly amazing, empowering and so much fun! It all started last year with a little bet....a little 5k race and the loser needed to supply a fun calendar to the other. As we got closer and closer to the race date I was training hard because I WANTED THAT CALENDAR OF HIM! So I reached out the Christi and gave her the details and she was here for it! Race day comes and it wasn’t even close, I sat at the finish line awaiting my pending gloating. After crossing and as we walked back to the car he confirmed we would go off of whatever the online race times were. Thinking the final number would be even better I said “obviously”. Which would have been fantastic but online somehow his time was under my name and mine under his. Which is when he reminded me that online times were the final. Gulp. I even went as far as emailing the race coordinator to explain that they need to check bibs before giving them out before he came clean that he switched the names on our bib chips. I. Was. Duped.


But...I kind of wanted to do the calendar either way so we decided moral victory went to me and technical victory went to him. Calendars for both!


And let me tell you, coming into the studio I was nervous, I was sweating, I was a little self-conscious. Should I have done more sit-ups? Should I have dieted? However, I was at ease the second I walked through the door. Lela found a way to make me look magical but still like me, and Christi found every angle that I didn’t even know I had. I saw my pics and both couldn’t believe that was me and at the same time thought “hell yeah that’s me!”. I swear to you they have a way of finding your inner sparkle and amplifying it into a firework. I walked out of the studio feeling like I could take on the world and had this sense of confidence that I didn’t know I had.

And guess stuck with me. So much so, that a year later I booked another session with these two amazingly talented women, and this time with my love. Couples shoot!! It was so much fun, I loved every second and was so excited to share this experience with him and the pictures we got were FIRE. Don’t wait until you reach your “perfect weight” or you lose those 5 lbs or think your body is right where it should be. You’re there, promise and you will love it!


Guest Blogger: Amanda

I booked a Grinkie Girls photoshoot as a long-distance anniversary gift for my soldier. It ended up being a gift to me too! My husband has been deployed to Iraq since October 2019. The separation has been difficult, and we’ve missed each other fiercely. I knew I wanted to do something extra special for him for our sixteenth wedding anniversary. A boudoir and retro pinup shoot was the perfect gift!


Being a military family is not easy, and being a military wife is exhausting – mentally, emotionally, and physically. I knew this deployment would be a huge challenge, but I did not know we would also be enduring a pandemic simultaneously. My three kids and I have been home more than ever before. I don’t have many spare moments to myself since I’m the sole person parenting our kids, taking care of the house, cooking, cleaning, and doing all the things while also working my job. Like most people, I’ve been living in pajamas and sweatpants since March. There’s never been a less glamorous period of life.


Doing my Grinkie Girls shoot made me feel beautiful again. It made me feel sexy. It helped me to remember that I’m more than a mom, a wife, an employee … I’m a radiant stunning woman! It gave me my confidence back after feeling like a disheveled hot mess for so many months. It sparked a flame in my relationship with my husband again as well. Keeping the romance alive when you’re separated for so long is vitally important.

I loved every second of my experience in the studio. Christi was the best combination of fun and professional. I was amazed at how quickly and effortlessly she was able to coach me into positions that made me look like a freaking supermodel. Her skill behind the camera was very evident and my photos attest to it. Lela styled me so beautifully. I’m considering hiring her to come to make me up every morning once covid is over and I’m actually leaving the house regularly again! Honestly, though, she’s magic. I never looked so good as I did that day.

Do it for you. Do it for your person. Just do it. It’s an experience worth having, memories worth documenting, and the fun you really need!  

Guest Blogger: Amanda S.

I had so much fun! Such a great experience!

I honestly don't know what could make the experience more comfortable than it was. There's really that vibe of hanging out with your friends, getting all dressed up, and being silly. As adults, I think we can start to miss that. I'm sure it also helped that I am a repeat client and knew the process. I was happy for the snacks and refreshments and the music to all keep the fun energy up.


I think people should know that they don't need previous modeling experience of any sort to have fabulous pictures. They will be styled and guided through poses by experts, so they can relax and indulge themselves. Bonus: that relaxed and happy mood shows up in the final images!


My favorite part is the styling. I've always loved dressing up in fancy dresses and costumes and who doesn't love having their hair and makeup done to be amazing? It's so much fun to try on new styles and express these different sides of your personality. Also, having different set-ups for pictures just brings it all together.


Guest Blogger: Jenna

Calendar Girl

Shoot a calendar in a day, you say? No way! You are crazy! It can’t be done!


Well, when Christi, Lela, and our good friend Jo Makay (aka Millie Rose Mitchell) got together we proved it COULD be done. In fact, I’d say we knocked out of the park. We made a goal of shooting all twelve months plus a cover in a day and we got ‘er done in under 9 hours. We had 13 different looks with 5 different hairstyles and a few makeup touch-ups. Lela is a wiz on hair and makeup and figured out the perfect progression for our hairstyles and makeup looks while Christi got the sets ready. We mapped out this plan to make transitions easy! Jo and I had already gone over each month’s looks at a previous date and had the perfect outfits lined up using mostly items from Jo’s personal vintage collection. Her collection is something to behold! Her bedroom-turned-closet houses looks from the early 1900s to the late ’80s with the bulk of her wardrobe being from the fashionable 1950s. We had a blast picking these ensembles out with jewelry, purses, and shoes to match! Each month was perfectly on a theme from the outfit to the accessories to the fun backdrops Christi came up with! Having someone to help get me in and out of each look also helped us stay on schedule.


Thankfully, I am a quick shot, and Christi and I work so well together we nailed each look in very few tries. The hardest part of the whole day was picking out which images to use for each month! We had SO many good ones to choose from! Each shot better than the last and because HMU and wardrobe were so on point and Christi knows lighting so well, the images were amazing straight from the camera! I had never seen myself look so well put together! I was so pleased with how the photos turned out. We hemmed and hawed over which ones to choose and in the end, we had an amazing calendar lined up. Too bad it happened to be a calendar for the worst year on record most of our lives. I ended up selling them to raise money for various charities so hopefully, despite this year’s hardships, it brings a smile to everyone who purchased one month after month! I may need to make another one once 2020 is behind us!


Christi and I agreed doing a calendar in a day is not for the faint of heart or a less experienced “model” (though I don’t consider myself a model… I have just taken a lot of photos!). For most people wanting to do something like this, I would recommend doing four looks OR spreading it out over two days for the sake of Hair/Make-up and shooting. We proved it can be done but after 8.5 hours at the studio I was ready to go home, put on comfy clothes, and finally eat something!

Lela and Christi of Grinkie Girls Photography really are a dream team, so if it is your goal to do something like this do not hesitate! Pull the trigger and book your calendar shoot. You will be glad you did!


Grinkie Files: Lisa

I can’t believe this was just her first shoot!

I had such a great time recently working with Lisa.  I knew I was going to love her from our first phone call and she did not disappoint.  She came in ready to love herself and wanting to do something special for her guy and knocked it out of the park.  Please duplicate her and let me fill all my days with fun people like Lisa.


After her shoot she took the time to answer a couple questions for me: 

What are the three most important things in your life? To have my Cinderella day, to feel free and laugh! To experience new things and be comfortable about my body

What lights you up? Feeling beautiful inside and out!!

What is something People don't know about you? My rough up bringing and how I myself have overcome it!!

What motivated you to come in for a session? To do this fun experience for my husband’s Birthday gift


Guest Blogger: Katie

The beginning of 2019 Didn’t start off well.  I had started a new job after being laid off for a year that I didn’t particularly like. I was experiencing severe depression; my anxiety was through the roof.  Being a Type I diabetic, the added stress only complicated things even more.  I was not in a good place.  My work suffered, my health suffered, but most of all my relationship with my daughter suffered.  I resigned from my job after a month as it wasn’t the right fit, and my mental health declined. One day my daughter L, asked me if she could try going to my sister and brother in law’s. I didn’t realize she was asking to stay with them for a while. Moving in with them became what I thought was a temporary thing until I got better. What I understood was only to be temporary; one month turned into three.  Three into six.  L refused to see me, and my sister wasn’t encouraging her to do so.  I finally saw my daughter after my mother arranged for a covert dinner with both of us six months after L asked to leave.  I began seeing L every couple of weeks, which then turned into once a week.  We started talking on the phone, texting.  COVID happened and we didn’t get to see each other for a few months until she needed me.  My sister called one day and said she thought I might need to come and pick L up.  L came to spend the weekend with me.  The weekend turned into a month.  A month of going to a friend’s camper, watching stranger things, a trip to South Dakota, and then a special bonding moment.


I wanted to do a special mother-daughter bonding activity given the year that L and I had.  I have been a fan of Christi’s Grinkie Girls Facebook page and have always admired her work.  I talked with Christi about doing a mother-daughter photoshoot, I wanted to do a pin-up look, while my daughter was more of an edgy punk kind of girl. What a blast L and I had! Christi and Lela were so great.  The ideas and suggestions they came up with… phenomenal! The look on L’s face when she saw the pictures of herself was priceless and worth so much more than what I paid for our experience at Grinkie Girls.  The confidence in L when she saw herself.  She was edgy.  She was punk.  She was my wonderfully weird daughter. My pictures were just as gorgeous. I loved the confidence they gave me as well. I highly recommend this experience for mothers and daughters, sisters, friends. It was such a great feeling laughing and smiling and loving with my daughter on that magical Thursday.  All of our pictures were outstanding, but if I have to choose, my favorite picture is one of the two of us laughing.  Those are true authentic laughs.  Living with a 15-year-old, those are hard to come by these days.  Thank you, Christi, for capturing this one.  This one will go down in the books.      


Kayla Writes About the Photo shoot with Molly Schuyler; Competitive Eater

Did I tell you about the time I did a pin-up shoot with a world-famous competitive eater?

That’s a sentence not a lot of people can type.  

Here’s the backstory. I spent eight years of my career executive producing a talk show in Omaha, Nebraska.  When you schedule 30 fascinating people for interviews each week, you make some fun friends, like musicians and artists, businesses owner, community advocates, comedians, and yes, competitive eaters.


Molly Schuyler is the competitive eater I’m referring to here. If you’re not familiar with her work, you should really check out her YouTube channel. She lived in the area for a few years and made a few appearances on my show, The Morning Blend. And we just clicked.  After I did my first photoshoot, Molly saw the pictures and fell in love.  

“I want to do that!” she said.

“I want to do that again!” I said.


So we discussed driving out to Minneapolis to see Christi in the studio. And as our wheels turned, we came up with a better idea.  Why not do the shoot at the place where Molly first discovered her talent as a competitive eater, Stella’s Bar and Grill in Bellevue, Nebraska?

Why NOT do an eating challenge and a photoshoot at the same time? 

Stella’s is known for the Stellanator: Six burger patties, six fried eggs, six slices of cheese, 12 strips of bacon, lettuce, tomato, fried onions, pickles, jalapenos, the bun AND an order of fries. Because burgers are better with fries. It was the first challenge Molly ever completed AND she’s the current record holder. She took down all that food in three minutes, 40 seconds. One of her favorite things about this challenge: it’s delicious. In case you’re wondering, all challenge winners get a T-shirt and a spot on the wall of fame and a free meal. Losers pay $35. 


So when I reached out to Christi about setting up a shoot for Molly, we decided a simultaneous food challenge pin-up shoot made sense.

A local TV station came. We broadcast live Facebook video of Molly eating, dressed in a red polka dot dress and heels. She was fierce and feminine! Christi snapped away while Molly adjusted her poses. We weren’t shooting for a time record on the burger, but she STILL took it down in less than ten minutes. Looking like a tattooed, pierced, carnivorous ANGEL! 


I’ve watched about ten of my friends transformed into pin-up goddesses through this process.  Seeing someone who you care about viewing their amazing pictures—now that’s special.  There was the burger eating pictures, which were epic! But there were also some traditional pin-up poses. And Molly rocked them ALL! When you’re a woman known for eating massive amounts of food quickly, let’s be honest. The internet isn’t always kind. The internet can suck it. Because frame after frame, these pictures showed the Molly I know best. Beautiful and BADASS.

Now the funny side story. Not only had Christi heard of Molly, but it turns out Christi’s husband is kind of a fanboy. So that gave Christi a chance to take some super fun “girl fight” pictures with Molly as well.


So the winter pin-up shoot in a Nebraska diner with a woman who can eat THREE 72-ounce steaks in 20 minutes? It happened. And I have the pictures to prove it.