Guest Blogger: Cindy Stoffregen

I'm a "lean in" kind of gal, so the idea of turning 50 never bothered me.  And I'm sentimental and I love pictures, so photographic evidence of being 50 really appeals to me. 


A dear friend did a Grinkie Girls photo shoot several years ago and I just knew that's what I wanted to do to commemorate the Big 5-0.  My best friends of 30+ years also have the big milestone birthday this year, so we agreed that this is what we would do to mark the occasion.  While this definitely would have been a fun thing to do solo, it was an absolute blast to do it with these girls! 


We helped each other with outfit selection, and we had fun getting "made up" together.  But the real magic of the day was sharing it with these lifelong friends because they laugh with/at me, they see me through different eyes and think great things of me that I really don't see in myself, and because I trust them to tell me when to push my boundaries.  So don't be afraid of the milestones.  Grab your besties, find some silly glasses, and just lean in.  
