Guest Blogger Livi


Grinkie Studio is a safe & empowering space! Thinking about taking pictures in lingerie can make us feel a lot of things, it’s easy to over think and worry about “imperfections.” I did not feel awkward or forced to be “sexy.” I felt free, beautiful, empowered, and yes, sexy too!

It’s not often I let someone else do my hair makeup, so I loved that. I’m a shopper so I enjoyed getting new lingerie. Honestly, I loved looking through all of the photos and picking our favorites! It’s really amazing to see yourself through someone else’s eyes/lens.

The three most important things in my life? Clichés maybe, family time, enjoying my work as a hairstylist and always learning!


What lights you up?

My loves; my husband & our fur babies. Elma, my pug, makes me laugh everyday. & my cat, Nubbins, is the cuddliest purr ball you will ever meet! Also, motorcycle rides.

What is something People don't know about you?

I have a resting bitch face and don’t cry often but movies are my weakness, I become a total softy!

What motivated you to come in for a session?

I have admired Grinkie Photography’s work for many years, Christi (& Lela) do beautiful work. Everyone looks amazing, & like they are having the fun. I saw Christi’s new bed set and I just had to lay on it!