Guest Blogger: Mariah

Hi! I am Mariah and something that not a lot of people know about me is that I struggled with getting pregnant. Infertility is a tough journey. After 2 years of trying, 2 miscarriages, many months of medications, shots, and 2 IUI rounds later I am finally pregnant! It was a hard couple of years, but it taught me a lot about myself and brought my husband and I closer than ever. I think that when we share our struggle with others it helps us to not feel so alone and maybe it will help someone else.

My friend told me that Grinkie Girls was doing a maternity photo shoot and said that I should try for it. I had never thought about going outside of my comfort zone and doing something like this especially while being 9 months pregnant! Would I be showing my belly not covered?! The thought of that was scary! But I decided to face my fear and to do the photo shoot.


The miracle of creating life is such a beautiful and incredible journey that needed to be captured in a way that could be remembered forever and boy did they ever do just that. I can't wait to show my daughter these pictures someday and share with her the journey of how she came to this world.

I am so glad that I did the photo shoot! The whole experience was wonderful, from the makeup, hair, to the ladies making me feel completely comfortable! I felt so beautiful in a time that is hard to accept and embrace the changes in my body. They helped me see my baby bump in a way I had not looked at it before, a beautiful miracle to be celebrated!