Guest Blogger: Tessa

It was so fun and so easy!! :) Don’t let yourself over think it!! If you don’t know what you’re doing, know that Christi and Lela definitely do! Have comfort in knowing that. :)

I loved that there were extras of items and a clothes thoughtless process on my end. It really took the pressure off to know what I should wear as I had no idea!! Not having bras that fit right now, and knows your prepared for it all made me feel so comfortable! 

The three most important things in my life are My family (both fur and naked), my passions, and memories!

Seeing a shelter pet get adopted, and the person(s) face as they adopt a new furry family member lights me up!

People don't know I have some introvert tendencies. I was motivated to come in for a session after seeing my auntie come and be so happy!! I don’t have high self esteem and self depreciate a lot. A boost of confidence felt so nice.