Guest Blogger: Mara

I've known Christi since high school and am privileged to call her friend. She's right that Grinkie Girls have more fun! I did my first photo shoot with her in 2011 when my marriage was on the rocks and I felt ugly inside and out. Christi put out a request for models of all sizes. I gingerly responded, "all sizes?" The first photo gave me the boost I needed to leave an unhappy marriage and feel good about myself. It took me 30+ years to love and accept my body. In my new marriage I am blessed with the most loving stepkids (adults) I could have ever imagined. I came into Emilia's life when she was 16 and I tried to model honoring and loving yourself first. I am so proud of the woman she is growing into and how she is defying the odds by accepting and loving herself for who she is.

Emilia and I came in together for a photo shoot in September to try out the Ostrich Feather Wings. I intended to do a mini shoot and get 1-2 photos. She reminded me that I will never be as young as I am today and to just go for it and do a full shoot. Look who is modeling healthy behavior for step mom???? I LOVE my photos and am so glad she reminded me to live my best life....Once a Grinkie Girl, always a Grinkie Girl!!