Guest Blogger: Kelly

Future Grinkie Girls should know that it will be an experience where they will get to feel like a goddess! Yes, posing is a bit complicated at times but if they trust the photographer and MUAH and just let loose, magic is going to happen!

My favorite part was going thru the photos. It's a big confidence boost and proof that if you have a first class MUAH and photographer you will have stunning images. An ordinary gal can be transformed!


The most Important things to me are my family , humility, knowing that no one person is too important that they should treat people like they're "less than" or not worthy of respect, and building up self love and confidence. I make it part if my mission in all of my businesses (Beautiful Strength, The Strength Factory, and Superior Retreats) to build everyone up and promote self love. Social media and the general population do a damn good job of beating us down and I want to be a beacon of light in the darkness showing all that once they start to build themselves up, start loving themselves more, and ignore the haters that their confidence will begin to grow and they will in turn be happier and healthier!

It lights me up to see people achieve something they never thought they were capable of doing.

What people don't know about me? This is hard as I am pretty much an open book. I guess I would say that most don't realize that I usually lift 5 days a week. I'm a thick girl and I am very passionate about showing people that not every body will react the same to specific diet fads, exercise, etc. AND that is OK! My body has undergone several different changes throughout it's days on this beautiful planet of ours and the most recent one is actually my strongest to date


What motivates me to come in for a session?

I do sessions like this to show people that beauty is not one dimensional. Yes, makeup and hair can transform us but there's more to it than that. Our true beauty is held within us and no amount of makeup will ever make someone MORE beautiful than they already are. Makeup can be a form of armor that can give a mini confidence boost or highlight a feature of our body that allows us to be more free and to be our true selves. It has the ability to help us express all the hidden power we hold inside that we may not remember we have in our everyday existence. Simply put, these shoots help remind me of the fierce woman that I am and it's not because I am wearing makeup or pretty things. It's because I get to focus on me and see myself through the eyes of a master MUAH and master photographer!